Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yes, I Really Do Think Like This

"There are persons who would rather be killed by a regular (doctor) in a customary manner than to get well by an irregular (doctor) in an unusual manner." - D. D. Palmer, Founder of Chiropractic

Why is it that people prefer to seek a drug dispensed by an M.D. than to receive an adjustment from a D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic)? It seems to me, that this sort of thinking is what also causes people to seek a pill to eliminate pain, another pill to lose weight, and a vitamin to make them healthier instead of eliminating an addictive, and arguably poisonous substance (sugar) from their diet.

The sugar pushers and the drug pushers have so intertwined themselves into the fabric of society, that we seek excuses for our poor health instead of trying to live healthier lives.
"Obesity runs in my family"
"I'll always have allergies - you can't cure them"
"I'm just big boned - there's nothing I can do about that"
"I have a poor immune system - hopefully the new drug I am taking will help"

Have you ever paid attention to the side effects of the drugs advertised on television? 'Drug X will eliminate the need to get up and pee in the middle of the night . . . . side effects include blurred vision, hallucinations, anal leakage, and exploding hemorrhoids." I don't know how these drugs sell.

It seems to me that as a society, we have become so busy, that we will do whatever people tell us to do as long as they have a title. D. D. Palmer also said "Doctors who use drugs do not need intelligent patients. One who takes drugs does not need an intelligent doctor." The purpose of my tirade here, is to point out, that though giving up sugar seems to be extreme to some, and most would rather take a pill or have a surgery to lose weight and be healthier; in the long run I think there are few, if any who would say that giving up sugar will not improve my health in more ways than one.

If you have poor health, and your Doctor can't give you any advice that doesn't involve drugs or surgery, see a Chiropractor. Read 'Nutrition Tests for Better Health'. Visit your local organic nutrition store and talk to anyone you find there. Then, cut sugar out of your life, and see how things improve.

Ciao for now,

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