Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Get Angry People - I Need Company.

Ingunation: To pull the wool over someones eyes. This word isn't anywhere to be found on, or even in my massive dictionary of the English language. The word is so old, and so rarely used, that it has passed from record (though it can be found in the game 'Balderdash'). You know that moment when you realize you've been had? Duped? Scammed? That the wool has been pulled over your eyes? That you are nothing but an unsuspecting rube? I am having that moment now.

For the most part, I blame myself. I should have known better. It all started when I wanted to avoid making my own chicken stock for a recipe. I thought, 'Oh, I'll just go pick up a quart of chicken stock at the grocery store'. It was not to be. Emeril Lagasse puts sugar in his chicken stock. Swanson's puts sugar in their chicken stock. Campbell's puts sugar in their chicken stock. El generico Flavorite puts sugar in their chicken stock. WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE NEED SUGAR IN CHICKEN STOCK?!?!?!?!?!?!

About three years ago I read 'Natural Cures THEY don't Want You to Know About' by Kevin Trudeau. Mr. Trudeau's book is a bit dramatic for my taste, and he needs an editor. . . . . But . . . he may not have been far off the mark when he claimed that the food industry is out to addict us to each and every one of their products. We all know sugar is addictive. This is why when you eat a bon bon, you follow it up with another bon bon. When you have a piece of pie, or cake, you follow it up with another 'half slice' because you don't want to seem GREEDY. It seems that just about every prepared food product on the planet has sugar added to it. Perhaps so that you will follow each and every serving up with another?

Well I for one shall not play the part of the rube any longer. I'm out to get you sugar pushers!!!
Once I compose myself enough to compose a letter, I shall be writing to Mr. Lagasse, Swanson's, Campbell's, and Flavorite to express my displeasure with their choice of additives. When MomK makes chicken stock from scratch, she adds no sugar - and MomK's chicken stock is awesome. It's made from chicken - what a novel concept!!

On a less violent note, I did find a sourdough bread in the bakery section that does not list sugar as an ingredient.
Please let me know what you find as you investigate the ingredient lists on your grocery store purchases. I need all the help I can get at this point.

Talk to you soon,


  1. Very funny.....Jami.....check out Lindsay's facebook and Heather's comment....and someone wants to know "who cleans with sugar?"....this is great fun for me!

  2. Thanks MomK...I'm glad someone is finding some humor in the midst of our misery :)

    Jami, I am right there with you! I suffered from the same frustration yesterday when I thought I had found salad dressing that did not contain sugar!!! Only to discover that it contained "xanthan gum". After googling this unknown ingredient I discover that xathan gum is created from "a long chain of three different forms of sugar"!!!!! WHAT!? So, back to the grocery store I went to return my salad dressing and begin the hunt again. This time I found an entire line of EIGHT different salad dressings that all claimed to be "Sugar Free" on the label. I am on to these tricks now, so I proceed to check the label on every single bottle and they all contain this "xathan gum". How can you print such a claim on your packaging when in fact your product DOES contain sugar! You can try all you want to disguise it in some weird chemical name, but I am on to you!!!

    On top of all this I really just want a piece of dark chocolate!!!! :(

    On a good note...I did find ketchup that is made with agave nectar!!! Jason and I used it last night on our meatloaf and thought it tasted just the same. It is made by "Organicville" and I found at our local grocery store. Yahoooooo!!!

    One more side note and I will go back to daydreaming about my dark chocolate...while making our meatloaf last night we discover that our breadcrumbs contain sugar! Regular unflavored BREADCRUMBS!!! We substituted oatmeal and it was quite delicious.
