Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Semi-Scientific Observation

Tonight's post shall be short, due to the fact that I really want to go to bed. It's getting easier and easier to get up in the morning. When my alarm goes off, I don't experience that moment of mental anguish that usually accompanies the realization that I have to get out of bed and function. However, I am also ready for bed a good hour earlier than usual. Someday when I grow up, I want to be like my chiropractor who only needs about four hours of sleep every night. . . . . he's smiling in the office at 4:30 in the morning . . . . .

I am eating an apple, orange, or banana for breakfast everyday, and taking a bottle of juice to work with me. Snacks that I have stocked my drawer at the office with include salted cashews, Triscuits, Kettle brand potato chips, and Bible Bread. I still find myself vaguely upset that I haven't found anything interesting to drink in the afternoons. I'm a bit jealous of my coworkers as they drink their Pepsi's. . . . . . but I am staying strong, and drinking water.

Hopefully, I shall have more observations to report soon.


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