Monday, January 25, 2010

Pros & Cons

I am planning to invest in a cord for my camera so I can share pictures of the fabulous meals I am cooking. I'll probably get around to that about the same time I get the dishes done. This thought brought me to my current list of Pros & Cons of The Experiment.

I've lost about 4 lbs since the beginning of the experiment
I am finding it easier to wake up in the morning
I am no longer losing a hand full of hair to the drain in the bathtub each morning
I am eating real meals because I have to make almost everything from scratch
My fingernails aren't cracking as much as they usually do this time of year
My skin is not nearly as dry as it usually is this time of year (Yay for no cracks under my toes!!!)

I always have a sink full of dirty dishes - cooking from scratch is messy
None of my clothes fit anymore (part of this is leftover from last year's weight loss)
None of my rings fit anymore - and I've lost so much weight in my hands, my finger skin is flabby - boo.
I am still getting tired earlier in the evening than I used to
I am consistently overspending my grocery budget - healthy food is more expensive than junk food

Have you noticed anything good or bad about living without sugar?


1 comment:

  1. I enjoy waking up in the morning w/o morning breath.....after being nearly sugar free for over a year, even the slightest binge...some Pepsi at a movie, a donut,....and I'll get that horrible taste in my mouth in the morning.

    I too however have a sink full of dishes.
