Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

To anyone who has tried to leave comments, I didn't realize that I had not enabled the commenting functions as I should have. You may now comment away:) I would love to hear from you about what you are doing to give up the inGREEDient. Tell your friends about the experiment - I relish the opportunity to share the journey.

I have been working on a post which I have begun to refer to as 'The Declaration of Independence From Sugar'. I had no idea that a few thoughts would turn into a short book. Ultimately, I may have to publish it over the course of a week, as a 42-page post would probably discourage some from reading it. In it, I am compiling the thoughts and philosophy of those I consider the great minds of health and adding my own comments.

For today's bit-o-news, I will simply let you know that I visited one of the organic markets here in town on Sunday, and did find inGREEDient free vegetable broth - three types actually. Pacific Natural Foods brand organic vegetable broth, Imagine brand organic no-chicken broth, and Shelton's brand organic chicken broth. The downside to these product is that they are, of course, more expensive than the brands found in the grocery store. For now - for the sake of the experiment, and my health - I am willing to pay the price. I will, however, be making my own chicken broth more often, I am sure.

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