Monday, January 18, 2010

Antics From the Peanut Gallery

There will always be naysayers. I arrived back in the office after lunch today to find my desk covered with mini candy bars. The Nerve! It honestly didn't bother me to see them there, I simply picked them up and gave them to Cupcake who occupies the cube next to me. What did bother me a bit, was the fact that the person who put them there resorted to the Lap Band a couple of years ago to lose weight. Wow - way to cheer someone on for trying to be healthy without resorting to extreme measures.

I made a batch of MomK's Banana Bread last night - Yum:)

Tonight I am spending some quality research time with D.D. Palmer's The Science of Chiropractic and more William Dufty.

Enjoy life responsibly - avoid sugar!

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