Friday, January 8, 2010

Experimenting vs. Dieting

Dieting is awful. Everytime I went on a diet, Weight Watchers, Atkins, whatever.... my focus was on the goal of losing a certain amount of weight so that I could without guilt go off the diet and eat something I wanted. Counting calories, or points, or carbs was a bondage. Comfort food was always restricted at some point in the day. Inevitably, after the diet, the pounds would creep back on.

Experimenting, on the other hand, is interesting. I wanted to see if removing refined sugars would get rid of rosacea. I knew that I wouldn't really know if it would if I didn't remove them completely. It became a game to find the refined sugar in ingredient lists. It was rewarding to find that honey sweetened carrot cake with honey sweetened cream cheese frosting could be eaten without limit and without ill effect to my skin or waistline.

So I would encourage anyone trying this to think of it as an experiment. Try to get better and better at getting rid of the refined sugar, as well as getting better and better at making or finding good substitutes for the foods you love to eat. As you do this, your body will change slowly, so slowly you might not realize its changing until you go in for a regular eye exam or other such thing and then discover the results of this EXPERIMENT!

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