Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life as Usual

I seem to have settled into a comfortable flow. I'm not stressing about what to eat every day. I'm not freaking out at the sight of a Pepsi. And life is beginning to go back to the 'same old, same old' that I'm used to. I haven't caved yet - so whoever put money on me giving up before the end of the first month, I'm pretty sure you're not going to win the bet. Of course, I'm not home free by any means. My initial goal is to make it to June 30th without any refined sugar. I think that this will be totally doable as long as I am prepared.

I leave on my first travelling assignment for work in less than three weeks. I am going to become 'that' person who asks the restaurant server to check with the cook to see if they use sugar in their preparations for a particular dish. I may even become 'that' person who brings their own salad dressing . . . . . or, I shall opt for vinegar & oil. Let me know if you can suggest good Greed-Free dining options in Pittsburgh, Denver, Los Angeles, or Newark, DE.


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