Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bits and Pieces of the Puzzle

Thus far, I have only referred vaguely to the guidelines which I plan to follow for my Giving up of Greed. Here are a few specifics:

To Replace Sugar:
Stevia, Honey, Agave Nectar, Pure Maple Syrup, and maybe Palm Sugar (need to research this last one). I have long been suspicious of 'sugar substitutes' such as Saccharin, Aspartame, and Sucralose. I don't use them now, and I don't plan to use them in the future.

No one is perfect, and I am sure that eventually, I will consume something that has sugar in it. This isn't an experiment that I will give up if I unwittingly eat something without reading the ingredient list first. Upon discovery of my error, I shall berate myself, pledge renewed vigilance, and carry on. If you are thinking of joining the movement, don't feel like you have to throw away everything in your cupboards and start over tomorrow. I've been preparing for this for two months. Replace your pantry with healthy, greed-free options as you go through the next month or two. You'll get there!

To Track Results:
When I get home on Monday, I shall record the following: my weight, heart rate, blood pressure, and take measurements of my waist, hips, bust, arms, & legs. I am also working on finalizing a spreadsheet analysis of Dr. Cass Ingram's book "Nutrition Tests for Better Health" (MomK & I have been working on this for a month now). By noting all of my physical symptoms of ill health, I will be able to identify improvements six months to a year hence. Anyone who is interested in improving their health should read this book. It is an amazing compilation of symptoms which assists in the identification of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

I have also listed some books which I have found invaluable to my knowledge of health and nutrition. Please let me know what you read to stay healthy - I'm always looking for more wisdom on the subject.

Happy New Year!!

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