Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Moments of Insanity

I've never stopped to ask myself "Self? Could there be a downside to being healthier and losing weight?". Who asks that question? Certainly not me, BUT . . . . let me throw a scenario out there for you. Last night, in preparing for my impending trip to NYC for a wedding, I began pulling clothes out of the closet and setting aside some items that I will need to pack. I decided to make sure my dress didn't need to be dry cleaned at the last minute and put it on to make sure everything was hunky dory.

It's my favorite dress, and by far the most fabulous piece of clothing I own. Gorgeous burgundy velvet with rhinestone accents, and I look GREAT in it - until now that is. It hangs on me. And so it should. . . I've lost 20 pounds this year, but I never imagined that 20 pounds could make me look like a bag lady in the perfect dress. I have been to 9, yes, 9 department stores in the past 24 hours. At the 9th, I found a reasonable substitute for the perfect dress.

SO . . . . Words of advice for today: If you plan to give up sugar, or begin an exercise regime, or have your spine corrected so that your thyroid functions properly, or do anything that will cause you to lose weight by more than a pound or two; REMEMBER! The Perfect Dress may not be so perfect anymore. Plan ahead for important events - and don't wait until the last minute to make sure your 'important function apparel' fits.

1 comment:

  1. It is now official - I am going to do this with you. I have removed what I can from my refrigerator & cabinets. I don't live alone so I can't get rid of everything. I'm really disappointed with the fact that mayo & most salad dressing contains sugar. I'm going grocery shopping tonight. I've got some meals planned. I'll call you if I get stuck :)
