Thursday, December 24, 2009

Getting ready for the project

I have two packets of hot chocolate mix left in the house, and a dark chocolate with deep forest mint candy bar. The first I will drink in the next week. The fate of the second, I have yet to decide. I will be giving up refined sugar when I return from a family trip on January 3rd. I am excited and terrified, hopeful and discouraged all at the same time. I am excited at the prospect of improved health; terrified that I won't have the will-power; hopeful that I will lose a bit of weight in the process, and discouraged by knowledge that I will be travelling a lot which will make this new lifestyle rather difficult at times.

My sweet tooth is not nearly as vocal as it once was - this won't be like an alcoholic quitting booze cold turkey. . . . but there are things that I will miss. I will miss Wild Cherry Pepsi, Chinese take-out, and the convenience of Knorr Pasta packets when I don't feel like cooking from scratch. The convenience factor is what I fear the most. I keep my life as busy as possible, and sometimes struggle to prioritize. Skipping lunch to work on a project will no longer be easily remedied by a trip to the vending machine. I've never worked a day onsite with a client without a Pepsi and a Vitamin Water. And then there's the restaurants. . . . . .

Well, I've been telling everyone I know about my project, so I suppose I had better follow through and do it.

Merry Christmas,

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