Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Origin of the Experiment

Some might wonder why I have decided to eliminate sugar from my life. I shall leave it to MomK to explain the origin of the experiment:

For several decades I have been a seeker (and for the most part, finder) of the natural cure for any ailment my children or I suffered.

It was specifically rosacea that was bothering me this time. Friends told me I would have to get medicine from a doctor to treat it. I was embarrassed by any photo I would see of myself, because my cheeks and nose were always unnaturally red. There was not a lot of info on the cause of this problem, but the theory that piqued my interest was that the redness was caused by small organisms living in the skin. Someone gave me the idea that they would die if I stopped eating refined sugar so I decided to conduct my own human experiment.

August 1, 2008 I began the experiment. I was determined to give it a 6 month try. At 50, 6 months does not seem that long. The main challenge was to satisfy my sweet tooth without eating refined sugar as well as to weed out the food that I never suspected had refined sugar in it. I eliminated all “sugar”, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, saccarin, etc. I would eat honey, pure maple syrup, stevia, or agave nectar sweetened foods.

Compared to dieting, which I've done seriously 15-20 times in my adult life, this was much easier psychologically. I had to know if this would have an effect on my skin. I suspected that the person who suggested the cause, really knew. I did not restrict any quantity of anything else I ate. I have consumed entire bags of potato chips, and caramel corn and pies and cakes……I just made sure that they were made without the prohibited sugar products.

After 6 months, I don’t think my skin was completely cleared up, but I was thirty pounds lighter, and had not had a back ache that I could remember, or a cold or sniffle. The weight loss seemed to happen in fits and spurts, though I don’t know for sure because I wasn’t weighing myself regularly. It felt like, at certain points an organ or gland just started working properly again. I decided to continue eating inGREEDient free.

It is easy to stick to the experiment 100% when I have plenty of sweets on hand. The fastest sweet to make is caramel corn. Second easiest- vanilla and chocolate pudding….but they need time to cool. So I continued on…..thrilled with my new pant size and lack of pain or sickness. Just as year one passed, I was required to renew my DOT physical for school bus drivers. To my complete surprise I passed the eye exam without my glasses or contacts. Both eyes together 20/20. Each eye separately 20/30.
I had worn glasses since the 5th grade!

Now my wonderful eldest daughter has agreed to test this herself…..join us if you like!

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