Monday, December 28, 2009

I Fell Victim to the Classic Blunder!

No. . . . I did not get involved in a land war in Asia . . . . . nor did I go in against a Sicilian when death was on the line. . . . . I simply did not pack a lunch on a Monday. Standard procedure says all pre-invoicing activities must be completed by the end of the day on Monday. This enables the reports to be run, and the errors to be corrected on Tuesday so that the invoice may be issued on Wednesday. Since one of my team members is on vacation this week, we were running a little bit behind schedule. Instead of completing the project by 1300ish (which is pretty normal) and then taking a quick break to run home for a bite to eat, we completed the project at about 1530ish.

When you get to 1530, there is no point to running home for a bite to eat, because you're only going to be at work for another hour or so anyway. So, you might ask "What did JamiK have for lunch today?" Did she raid the vending machine? Did she discover a forgotten box of Girl Scout Cookies in her desk drawer? No I did not. I ate half of a large box of Dots gumdrops that my boss didn't want (they weren't the 'regular' Dots, they were Dots with 'yogurt' - like that's supposed to make them healthy?). Though convinced that I would not like what I found, curiosity compelled me to read the ingredient list on the box. I didn't get past the first two ingredients before I began to feel ill. Corn Syrup was the first ingredient. Sugar was the second.

Come on everyone. . . . . can I get a big ol' Napoleon Dynamite' "IDIOT!"?

I suppose I am glad to have had this lesson learned before the experiment actually begins, but my stomach does feel kind of icky. . . . I really should have known better than that. Incidentally, I did toss that sleeve of Girl Scout Cookies I found. . . . they were getting pretty old. . . . probably stale too. . . . I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed them . . . . much. I am also going to take a giant can of salted nuts in to keep at work should I end up in this situation again. So there is the advice for the day. Don't forget to pack a lunch when you might not have a chance to escape from the office. Also, keep a few healthy snacks on hand for when you just feel like munching.

Snacks that I know to be acceptable: Salted nuts (peanuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc.), fruit, tortilla chips & salsa (double check your favorite brand, but salsa does not usually contain refined sugar), Kettle brand potato chips (the original and the vinegar & salt varieties do not contain added sugar).
I shall try and think of some others as well, but this will do to get me started.

Vizzini Out,


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