Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sometimes You Have to Wait for It. Sometimes You Have to Work at It.

Sure, I'd like to make a wish and bring back the 70° weather we enjoyed here for most of October and part of November, but I'm pretty sure that I will have to wait until Spring.  Of course I'd love to be able to be able to pop a pill and magically have legs like Vera Ellen, but it's just not gonna happen. 

When the weather gets colder and I spend more time indoors listening to the radio or watching television, I am reminded of the insanity of our fast paced lives.  Sometimes I wonder if we all realize how much we have come to expect an 'easy button' for every aspect of our lives. 

Heard on the radio today:
"Remember the days of 'X' wonder drug?" (yeah, you know, that drug that is no longer on the market due to whatever tripped out side effects it caused)  "Wasn't it great how the pounds would just melt away and you could eat whatever you wanted?" (yeah, because it's so intuitive that results should appear out of nowhere) "Well now we would like to offer you a free trial of our new 'XX' wonder drug!"  It works even better than 'X', and the best part is, it doesn't have any of the old side effects!" (yeah, because it has new side effects that are probably worse than the old ones, but no one has noticed them yet).  I fell for the scheme when I was in college.  The only thing those pills ever did for me was give me case of the shakes that wouldn't go away for about six years.

I get so irritated with all the get rich quick and lose weight fast gimmicks out there.  We know they don't work. . . . if they did we would all be thin and rich.  Oooo, Oooo!!  I have an idea!  Maybe congress can legislate us some weight loss next year! 

What ever happened to good old fashioned determination and elbow grease?   You get what you pay for.  Garbage in, garbage out.  Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.  There are a host of sayings that speak to the probability that grit and perseverance are the best way to get something done. 

Oh, wait!  What about the 'my pain pill is better than your pain pill commercial'?  This is Jill, who took two 'Q' pills in the morning, two more with lunch, two with dinner, and another two pills before bed.  (insert breach of time-space continuum returning to the morning) This is Jill, who took two 'Z' pills in the morning and enjoyed the rest of her day. 

Now I realize that I am not what many would consider 'in the mainstream'; but really?  Who goes through life in constant pain and does nothing but pop over-the-counter pain pills to alleviate the agony?  Change your diet, exercise, see a chiropractor, see a doctor.  Get help.  Good grief people get a grip!  Treating symptoms is no way to cure a disease.  The key to happiness does not lie in a pain pill, a weight loss pill, or a get rich quick scheme.  For more inspiration, please see my post from 01/01/10 .

Don't give up on life if it isn't perfect, start working towards what you want.  Make a change, even if it is difficult.  Believe me, I realize that Vera Ellen's legs are a pretty lofty goal, but I am going to keep working towards them. 

There is no easy button for life.
Work Hard - Avoid Sugar


p.s. I made a big ol' batch of chili yesterday - the perfect food to warm me back up after shovelling the driveway and walking the dog.  Chili Recipe here

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