Sunday, February 28, 2010

Could it be?

So I have been getting headaches at work for the past couple of weeks. I thought it was just stress, until one day, when my left eyeball started twitching. I dumped some eye drops in, and closed my eyes for a minute, but it kept twitching. It was like my eye was trying to get away from my contact lens. I am pretty sure my prescription is changing. I got home from work that evening and quickly exchanged my contacts for glasses, but it kept going. My eye does not want to be hanging out with my current prescription. In examining my eye after putting my contacts in one day, it looks like it doesn't even 'fit' anymore. There is a little pucker in the contact on one side of my eye.

I am hoping to get an appointment to see my optometrist this week. Until then, this is what I feel like:

Based on MomK's experience with her eyesight improving after giving up sugar, I can't help but wonder if that is what is happening to me to. As a child and teenager, I had perfect eyesight. Then after a year in college, I showed up for my first class of my sophomore year, I realized I couldn't see the notes on the chalkboard. My eyes had gone from great to awful in the course of a year. (Please note that my daily food intake in college included a frappachino, two doughnuts, and several trips to the vending machine).

Here's to Hoping I'm right!!

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