Thursday, February 11, 2010

No Worries:)

I have not fallen off the wagon. I realized late last night that I hadn't posted anything in a week. Life has been a bit crazy and out of order for the past week, but I am still living greed free. I spent a considerable amount of time berating myself last week when I found out that to make sushi, the rice is cooked with rice vinegar, which contains sugar. Boo. Shame on me for not researching the topic well enough before eating it. Nevertheless, I shall carry on.

I have come to the realization that I may not be able to blog on a daily basis from here on out due to the fact that I have already run into the biggest of the brick walls. I am more comfortable navigating the grocery store. I don't have as many things to write about that are all that interesting. I am still working on some serious analyses of the 'Psychology of Greed' and an in-depth study of my own health over the course of the past ten years and the part that sugar played in it.

I know that several of my readers have also given up sugar. How are you doing? Insights? Suggestions?


1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back!! :) I will admit I have probably fallen off the wagon from time to time, but not anything major. It's not like I locked myself in my room with a box of Oreos or anything! I started this whole "experiment" with the mindset that I was going to do my best to completely cut refined sugar from anything I cook myself or keep in my house. However, I did not want to become a hermit and never be able to enjoy a dinner out with friends or the hubby! If I do eat out then I have done my best to choose something that I think is sugar free, but I'm sure it has been hidden in something somewhere along they way. I am just as disappointed as you are about the sushi...I never would have thought it! I think my biggest urge so far was at a Superbowl party when a guest brought apple pie, fresh out of the oven to share. Boy did it smell good, but I stayed strong!

    Stay strong sis! :)
