Monday, August 16, 2010

More Results & Analysis

Hello Again!
Some of these notes and stories are a bit disjointed as I am having issues organizing my thoughts today. I hope they make sense.

I still struggle to believe that I have see such a change in my weight, size & health by merely eliminating one ingredient from my diet.

In June, my 'Working in the Yard Jeans' got sent to the Goodwill store. 36 x 32 Wranglers. I struggle to believe these used to fit me.

My Size 14 'Skinny Jeans' became my 'Working in the Yard Jeans'

I am now a Size 10.

A snug size 10, but a 10 nonetheless.

Now, if only I had budgeted to replace my whole wardrobe. It's going to be a while before I can downsize everything.

A month after I had my prescription changed for my left eye, I started getting headaches again. (See post from 03/05/10) I went back to see the optometrist. My regular Dr. was out on vacation, so the Dr. that examined my eyes spent 20 minutes lecturing me on the ignorance of believing my improved eyesight to be the result of my sugar free lifestyle. . . . . after which he gave me a prescription that was one step better than the previously prescribed contact.

I understand that it might not be easy to believe that one can improve one's eyesight by giving up sugar, but I can't ignore the possibility of this outcome. Especially considering the fact that MomK had the same experience when she gave up the inGREEDient.

Some symptoms of ill health that I no longer notice in my life:
1) Difficulty Losing Weight
2) Chronic Bone/Joint pain
3) Cold Hands/Feet
4) Dry Eyes
6) Athlete's Foot
7) Blood Sugar Disturbances
8) Fatigue/Sleepiness after Eating
9) PMS
10) Bloating after meals
11) Tendency to become dehydrated

It wasn't until I allowed sugar back into my diet that I realized how much I don't miss these symptoms. While living without the 'white death', I ate all the time. I would venture to say that I even 'over ate' on a regular basis. Despite this bad habit, I NEVER felt bloated after eating. I don't lose time at work to the 'after lunch sleepies', and I am on cloud nine with the realization that Mother Nature is not nearly as nasty as I once knew her to be.

At the request of several people, I am going to try to post more recipes.

JamiK's Tomato Rosmarina
(I usually make things in large quantities so you may like to half this recipe)

Bring to a boil:
4 quarts Chicken Broth/Stock
(I prefer the homemade kind, but a sugar free variety like Kitchen Basics will do)
1 Tbsp sea salt (only if you use homemade broth)
1 lb baby carrots cut in halves or thirds
3 large stalks of celery chopped
1 large onion chopped
1 Tbsp basil
1 Tbsp Oregano

Once the soup comes to a boil and the vegetables are beginning to soften, add 2 cups of vegetable orzo pasta (the non vegetable variety usually just turns to mush . . . . )

Continue to boil until the vegies and pasta are cooked,
Reduce heat to simmer and add 2 16oz cans of Tomato Sauce

Serve hot.

Thanks for reading along. . . . .I shall post more as I organize the rest of my thoughts:)
I'm having leftover Greed-free Berry Chocolate ice cream tonight.


P.S. I would love to hear your thoughts / ideas / recipes

Drum Roll, Please!!

Okay, okay, okay . . . . I'm a slacker. I have many things to share due to my long absence from bloggerland, so this is going to come in a couple of installments.

I shall begin this post with a confession. Since the beginning of July, I have not been particularly vigilant about the 'GREED' content of my food. July 2010 was literally the busiest month of my life to date. . . .

5 day Trip to Milwaukee to visit a friend. (one of these days was spent on a boat consuming pre-made sandwiches from the grocery store deli, chips & dip, and Summer Shandy followed by an amazing pizza on shore between the sun bathing and the fireworks)
7 day vacation / camping trip in Central Wisconsin (all the usual - hot dogs, brats, baked beans, pasta salad, breakfast bars, granola bars, and who knows what else)
Family reunion in Chicago (fried chicken, pasta salad, and lots of other fixins not prepared in a sugar-free restaurant)
3 wedding weekends (8 days counting travel and additional time at the various locales) . . . . one in Iowa, one in Wisconsin, and one in Indiana. (I can't even remember all the 'terrible' (aka yummy) foods I ate)

For a total of 23 days on vacation . . . . . . . I could get used to this. . . . . .

Now that the confession is out of the way . . . . . . At the end of June, I noted several things regarding my physical condition and then couldn't find my original notes to compare with. Thankfully, the notebook has been found!


Weight:--------------185-----------------162------------23 lbs
Pants size:------------16----------------10/12
T-shirt size:---------Large--------------Medium
Shirt Size:-------------14----------------10/12
Shoe Size:-------------9.5------------------9
Ring Size: I haven't gotten around to actually measuring this, but the size 7 CZ ring I used to wear as an engagement ring to scare off the crazies on the dance floor is now loose on my middle finger.
Panty line:-----------38.5"----------------36.5"-------------2"
R Thigh:--------------28"------------------25"--------------3"
L Thigh:--------------28"-----------------24.5"-------------3.5"
R Knee:---------------20"-----------------19"---------------1"
L Knee:--------------20.5"----------------19"--------------1.5"
R Arm:---------------14"-----------------12.75"------------1.25"
L Arm:---------------14"------------------12.5"-------------1.5"

I'm feeling pretty darn good about myself right now. (despite the fact that you all now know how big my butt is)

I shall end this post with a committment: I am back to life sans sugar. As of Today, I am once again living inGREEDient-free. I even made some Greed-free ice cream tonight to kick off my return to a better lifestyle. (I totally made this recipe up, so I'm not sure how well the rest of the world might enjoy it)

Blend 1 quart Bolthouse Farms 'Purely Chocolate' Soymilk, and 2 cups of frozen mixed berries. Pour the mixture into the waiting ice cream maker, and churn away for approximately 30 min. Spoon it into a bowl, and place in the freezer for another half hour.

I call it "Berry Chocolate".

Sleep Well folks! I'll have more to share tomorrow:)
