Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mulligan Day(s) and an Uncontrolled (aka 'out of control') Experiment

Whoever put money on April being the month I would 'cave' wins.

I am hereby declaring April 19th 'Emergency Sugar Intake Day' (for myself). Sunday night, my head got all stopped up, and I started getting super congested. After tossing and turning and coughing in bed for two hours, I realized that my normally hectic Monday was going to be unbearable if I didn't get some sleep. I then knowingly consumed sugar in the form of night-time cold/cough medicine. I did sleep, however, Monday was still insane. I got all of my invoicing tasks completed by 2pm . . . had too much left to do to go home and make something for lunch, and my stomach was eating my backbone. . . . . so I picked up a sandwich at the convenience store (sugar in the mayo and the bread). That makes twice in the course of a day that I knowingly ingested sugar.

After work, I hopped on a flight to the Southwestern United States. Thanks to my Chiropractor, the congestion is gone, and I can breath. Today, however . . . . . . I was still super tired after only five hours of sleep and seven hours with my clients, that I didn't have the energy to venture out and find acceptable dinner fare. I sat myself down at the hotel restaurant, and perused the menu. Thought about being a good girl and ordering a salad . . using my own dressing, and calling it a day. . . . but then thought 'I had sugar yesterday and I felt OK . . . . I wonder. . . . . '. So I ordered a chicken and pasta dish with a tomato based sauce. I didn't ask the sugar content. I ate about half the meal, including one piece of garlic bread. Right now, I am certain that I would feel better if I could throw up. I am so bloated that I am pretty sure I am not going to get any work done from the hotel tonight.

Sugar consumption - Fail.

Well, now I know better. Not that I didn't 'theoretically' know better before now. . . . . . but the way my stomach feels tonight, I am unlikely to repeat this behavior.

Here's to hoping you are wiser than me,


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