Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mulligan Day(s) and an Uncontrolled (aka 'out of control') Experiment

Whoever put money on April being the month I would 'cave' wins.

I am hereby declaring April 19th 'Emergency Sugar Intake Day' (for myself). Sunday night, my head got all stopped up, and I started getting super congested. After tossing and turning and coughing in bed for two hours, I realized that my normally hectic Monday was going to be unbearable if I didn't get some sleep. I then knowingly consumed sugar in the form of night-time cold/cough medicine. I did sleep, however, Monday was still insane. I got all of my invoicing tasks completed by 2pm . . . had too much left to do to go home and make something for lunch, and my stomach was eating my backbone. . . . . so I picked up a sandwich at the convenience store (sugar in the mayo and the bread). That makes twice in the course of a day that I knowingly ingested sugar.

After work, I hopped on a flight to the Southwestern United States. Thanks to my Chiropractor, the congestion is gone, and I can breath. Today, however . . . . . . I was still super tired after only five hours of sleep and seven hours with my clients, that I didn't have the energy to venture out and find acceptable dinner fare. I sat myself down at the hotel restaurant, and perused the menu. Thought about being a good girl and ordering a salad . . using my own dressing, and calling it a day. . . . but then thought 'I had sugar yesterday and I felt OK . . . . I wonder. . . . . '. So I ordered a chicken and pasta dish with a tomato based sauce. I didn't ask the sugar content. I ate about half the meal, including one piece of garlic bread. Right now, I am certain that I would feel better if I could throw up. I am so bloated that I am pretty sure I am not going to get any work done from the hotel tonight.

Sugar consumption - Fail.

Well, now I know better. Not that I didn't 'theoretically' know better before now. . . . . . but the way my stomach feels tonight, I am unlikely to repeat this behavior.

Here's to hoping you are wiser than me,


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I am stronger than the cookie.

Hello friends!!! I am back.

Armed with a new laptop, and two extra hours in my day thanks to my trip to the Pacific Northwest, I am here to regale you with a few random notations.

1) While travelling home from Delaware last month, my flight from Philly was delayed by an hour, and I couldn't find anything edible (free of added sugar, that is) at the Philly airport. When I landed in Chi-town I had to walk very quickly to another concourse to catch my connecting flight. . . . . I wasn't walking quite fast enough. As I passed the Cinnabon booth, my nose and empty tummy started to take over. The only thing that kept me from jumping behind the counter at that Cinnabon booth and gorging myself on a tray full of sugar was the fact that the booth had already closed, and the metal 'fence' had been pulled down over the entryway. If I hadn't been vaguely aware of the fact that I was close to missing my connecting flight, I might have pleaded with the guy cleaning up the booth to sell just one last bun for the day.

2) Life seems to be moving rather quickly these days. . . . . Since I last posted:
-----I have lost another 5 lbs. I am within reach of my ultimate weight goal (that I didn't think I would ever be able to reach) of 160 lbs.
-----My 31st birthday is fast approaching, and I am hoping to be able to fit into my favorite jeans of all time by then (end of June). I haven't worn these jeans since I was 16 or 17 years old.
-----My sister moved in with me for the Summer (based on the case of Pepsi sitting in my kitchen, I don't think she is ready for life sans sugar), but she is doing some great research for me, and helping me with meal planning.
-----I have been on the road for work almost every week. It's looking like I'll be on the road 3 weeks out of every month for the remainder of the summer, and maybe for the year.

3) As I sit here in my hotel room in Portland, OR there is a warm, chewy cookie calling to me from the other side of the room. It comes complimentary with my room. I'd throw it away, but the garbage cans in the room are cleaner than my refrigerator. . . . . If I was really going to eat the cookie, a garbage can wouldn't stop me. So I will continue with my mantra for the evening. . . . . . I am stronger than the cookie . . . . . I am stronger than the cookie.

May your evening be blessed:)


Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm still here. . . . sort of.

Please forgive me folks. My laptop crashed two weeks ago, and the new one won't be ready until tomorrow. . . . . I'm blogging from work right now. . . .

I'm still off the sugar, but I came close to losing it in the airport on the way home from Delaware. . . . . I'll tell you about it as soon as I can:)
