Saturday, October 23, 2010

Enough Already! - Back to Business.

When I posted in August, I committed to being back on track with my GREED-free lifestyle. Well . . . . I didn't succeed in living up to that commitment. I continued to allow special occasions and exceptions clutter up my meals because I just didn't feel like summoning the resolve to say no to foods that I enjoy despite the fact that I know how they will impact my health. The past couple of weeks have strengthened my resolve, and I can confidently say that I am back on track again . . . . for real this time.

What has strengthened my resolve?

1) Mother Nature kicked my derrière this month. I haven't had cramps like that since April.

2) My face looks like a war zone. I had almost forgotten about acne until one day last week when I woke up to a mine field on my chin. Not only does it ruin the aesthetic appeal of my face, it hurts like the dickens too.

3) I am finding it increasingly difficult to get out of bed in the morning - and when I do get up, I have very little motivation to get going.

4) I started gaining some of my weight back . . . made it all the way back up to 170 by the end of September.

I finished cleaning out my refrigerator and cupboards this morning to make sure that I eliminated anything that might cause me to stumble in a weak moment. As it stands, my greatest hurdle for the week will be coming up with ideas for dinner. I admit that I am not the most creative individual in the kitchen. Suggestions are welcome.

As I look back at the past couple of months and consider the things that kept me from my August commitment I realize that my greatest stumbling blocks have been my own lethargic willpower, and peer pressure.

Every time I was met with the decision 'to eat it, or not to eat it?' I found myself facing the age old internal arguments: 'Just a little bit wont hurt', 'My friends eat sugar and they are fit and healthy', 'I'll really get serious tomorrow'. Adding to that, the voices of my friends and acquaintances: 'As long as you eat it in moderation there is nothing wrong with eating sugar', and 'There isn't any reason to be so extreme'.

I allowed my resolve to be swayed by the voices in my head. No more. I'm done.

Now - off to make some sugar free pasta salad.

I'll share the recipe once I make sure the idea in my head is actually palatable.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! :) Maybe we should start sharing our weekly menus with each other so we can build up our recipe catalogs!
