Saturday, October 30, 2010

Common Sense Vs. 'The Idiot'

Yes. . . . . that would be me - The Idiot.

Let me explain . . . . no, there is too much. Let me sum up. My mother and my chiropractor have the same irritating habit of always being right. I could present you with a cornucopia of examples, but for the sake of brevity, I shall stick to the two that are currently relevant to my healthy lifestyle.

Example 1: MomK tells me I should give up sugar if I want to achieve the weight loss I've been wishing for since I was 16. Do I follow that advice? Well . . . not for a year and a half after she starts telling me. Even in the face of her amazing success with the GREED-free lifestyle I think that somehow it just 'isn't for me'. Now. . . . as I look back at my own success (not just with weight loss but with the Total Health Makeover I experienced as a result of choosing to live GREED-free) I realize that I should probably just throw in the towel and follow her lead regardless of whether or not I think she's crazy. She's pretty much always right.

Example 2: DrK knows that I detest exercise. But, as it is his responsibility to look out for my health, he frequently tells me that the condition of my hip and back would improve much more quickly if I would just walk (And the man doesn't give up . . . . he's been telling me for four years now). No need to run, climb stairs, or lift weights, just walk. Do I listen? Well . . . . no . . . . not until I started dog sitting a couple of months ago.

Honey is my new room mate. She is a 9-year old shepherd mix that walks me around the neighborhood several times per day. It took me about 3 days to get used to walking; my shins and calves were not thrilled with me at the outset of this change to my daily routine. However, by the end of week one, I realized that the usual aches and pains that I notice were all but gone!

Six weeks into walking the dog, I went to see DrK for my usual Thursday adjustment, and the thermal scan revealed NOTHING wrong my spine, and therefore NO need for an adjustment. I don't usually have a good grip on slang or pop-cultural vernacular, but I believe the present-day term for this sort of occasion would be 'WOOT WOOT!'.

Soooo . . . . . This week's advice is: Don't ignore common sense!

Healthy living is not rocket science. Have you ever noticed that every day in this country brings us another report or study on health, nutrition, weight loss, exercise, or medicine? Despite all the 'knowledge' we are developing; as a society, we are growing fatter, weaker, and sicker and we lean more and more towards dependence on drugs and surgery just to stay functional? There is something wrong with this situation.

Don’t ignore common sense!
Avoid Sugar.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Perfectly Palatable Pasta Salad

4 cups cooked pasta (I like penne, bow-tie or rotini)
3 cups of chopped fresh vegetables
-(carrots, celery, onion, peppers, tomatoes)
1 cup of Italian Salad Dressing
- I just found Newman's Own 'Light Italian' & 'Olive Oil & Vinegar'

4 Tbsp McCormick Salad Supreme

This is one of the easiest recipes - I love it that the Salad Supreme has all the seasonings and NO SUGAR! I'm sure that anyone can add their own twist to this and it will be just as good. I think next time I might add some shredded cheese.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Enough Already! - Back to Business.

When I posted in August, I committed to being back on track with my GREED-free lifestyle. Well . . . . I didn't succeed in living up to that commitment. I continued to allow special occasions and exceptions clutter up my meals because I just didn't feel like summoning the resolve to say no to foods that I enjoy despite the fact that I know how they will impact my health. The past couple of weeks have strengthened my resolve, and I can confidently say that I am back on track again . . . . for real this time.

What has strengthened my resolve?

1) Mother Nature kicked my derrière this month. I haven't had cramps like that since April.

2) My face looks like a war zone. I had almost forgotten about acne until one day last week when I woke up to a mine field on my chin. Not only does it ruin the aesthetic appeal of my face, it hurts like the dickens too.

3) I am finding it increasingly difficult to get out of bed in the morning - and when I do get up, I have very little motivation to get going.

4) I started gaining some of my weight back . . . made it all the way back up to 170 by the end of September.

I finished cleaning out my refrigerator and cupboards this morning to make sure that I eliminated anything that might cause me to stumble in a weak moment. As it stands, my greatest hurdle for the week will be coming up with ideas for dinner. I admit that I am not the most creative individual in the kitchen. Suggestions are welcome.

As I look back at the past couple of months and consider the things that kept me from my August commitment I realize that my greatest stumbling blocks have been my own lethargic willpower, and peer pressure.

Every time I was met with the decision 'to eat it, or not to eat it?' I found myself facing the age old internal arguments: 'Just a little bit wont hurt', 'My friends eat sugar and they are fit and healthy', 'I'll really get serious tomorrow'. Adding to that, the voices of my friends and acquaintances: 'As long as you eat it in moderation there is nothing wrong with eating sugar', and 'There isn't any reason to be so extreme'.

I allowed my resolve to be swayed by the voices in my head. No more. I'm done.

Now - off to make some sugar free pasta salad.

I'll share the recipe once I make sure the idea in my head is actually palatable.
