Saturday, October 22, 2011

What a feeling!

Good Morning!

Yes, I have been absent from bloggerland all summer.  I'm checking in today to tell you how incredible it feels to go through my closet and set asside all the clothes that are four sizes too large to wear for the donation pile. 

Since I began my Greed-Free lifestyle nearly two years ago, I have had a pair of jeans hanging over the back of my bedroom door.  They are wranglers, size 13.  I haven't worn them since my 4-H days circa 1997 (ish).  For the first year of the experiment, I would periodically try on the jeans, and frown in failure every time.  Last February, I gave up and threw them into a pile in the corner of my room.  Three weeks ago, I happened to be cleaning the house and came accross this particular pile of clothes, and decided I would pitch them.  Of course, I had to try one more time . . . . . miracle of miracles.  Not only can I get them all the way on, but they are actually too big.  The jeans sag in all the wrong places.  They wouldn't look good under any circumstances.  How cool is that? 

I'll be back soon:)
